I'm trying out across on a trial licence, installed it on MacOS and EVERY option in the menu are greyed out except "exit" "display Bluetooth Devices" and "hide the dock icon" and I can't manage to open a main window for the program. what am I missing?
Hi, Please see this post: https://community.acrosscenter.com/...10-14-mojave-accessibility-configuration.170/ Edit: This subject will be added in our manual page.
Good idea to add it in the manual, I did look into it for a solution first. I also checked in the accessibility menu since some software put themselves there automatically and we just need to authorize them, I dint think of adding it manually. Sadly, it doesn't work, tried it twice, with reboots, on two different computers.
There are some complex caveats around the subject. Shortly, For it, it needs app notarization which in turn needs app binary and libraries must be hardened (signed). If an app meet the requirement, app can be notarized by apple. Otherwise, you need to add it manually.
Please make sure that acrossd is listed in the Accessibility list and its checkbox is checked state. Also, I think acrossd doesn't seem to be running in your case. Please try the following commands in Terminal: Forceful Kill: sudo killall -9 acrossd acrossd Daemon Unload: sudo launchctl unload -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.clixon.acrossd.plist acrossd Daemon Load: sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.clixon.acrossd.plist And then check if acrossd is running in Activity Monitor or by "ps -a" command from Terminal.
Indeed the daemon is not running, I checked before and after the commands you proposed and its not running. so I tried to run it manually and I got this library error pierrick@MacBook-Pro-de-Pierrick ~ % sudo /usr/local/sbin/acrossd dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/opt/openssl/lib/libssl.1.0.0.dylib Referenced from: /usr/local/sbin/acrossd Reason: image not found zsh: abort sudo /usr/local/sbin/acrossd
i fixed it by installing homebrew and installing libssl that way. it dint work at first after starting acrossd manually, (no more error message but dint work anyway) but a reboot made it work after that. so great news, it work! although the mouse is VERY laggy on my iPad 6th gen, is it part of the trial limitations? it dint mention anything like that, but it feels strange considering that sidecar is actually so fluid that I can game on my iPad screen, I doubt its the network.
You're right. For other users reference, you can resolve this issue with installing openssl manually by referring this site: http://macappstore.org/openssl/
No, it is not limitation. I don't know why but will look into the issue. BT data transfer rate is too slow to work for application like sidecar which definitely use wifi.
Right, I forgot this software use bluetooth and not wifi for a second. on the other hand, I did plug the same mouse directly over bluetooth to the iPad and it was lag-free. Also tried with a usb mouse and its the same. after some tweaking its not THAT bad, but there's still room for improvement. Either way thank you so much for your help with my initial problem!
@Pierrick Charlebois, Please try with the updated version (v.2.03) available from our download page. Thanks in advance.