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iphone as remote 4G/5G client test device

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by John, Nov 11, 2021.

  1. John

    John New Member


    I'd like to use an iPhone as remote 4G/5G testing device mimicking this inspirational youtube video:

    So I'm testing Across controlling the iPhone via BT and a screen mirroring via usb cable while wifi has to be off to not interfere with activating/deactivating 4G/5G radio signal.

    The step I'm missing now is to control the laptop via Remote Desktop (RDP) or equivalent.
    Apparently when I connected with RDP client I lose control of the mouse/keyboard BT associated to the phone.

    Any suggestion to have this scenario working ?

    Additionally it is not clear to me if T1 license would be enough or T2 would be then needed.

  2. Seungjin Lee

    Seungjin Lee Member

    You have to use only wifi (either external or iPhone's wifi hotspot). across doesn't support USB connection, and it doesn't affect on or use mobile radio connection.

    See our manual: http://www.acrosscenter.com/manual/screen-mirroring

    Considering your usage, I'm sure you need a T1 license. T2 is mainly for computer+computer usage.
    Thank you.
  3. John

    John New Member


    about screen mirroring this is just fine via serial cable (so wifi off) for now.

    The big issue is with RDP connection... as you can see from the attached screenshots I'm able to make the icons jiggling from remote with a long press of trackpad but any cursor movement is not reflected on the iphone - I just see cursor moving on the screen (though I can select anything) and across seems to not properly listen/convert RDP mouse coordinates...

    There is another issue... I do use a mac to RDP to the across laptop... in this scenario I can't press ctrl-ctrl to allow Across to release the mouse pointer/click... The mac only has a single ctrl button... any way to have a different key binding ? (ie: shift-shift)

    I activated the T2 eval license but issues still apply.


    Attached Files:

  4. Seungjin Lee

    Seungjin Lee Member

    Sorry, I can't follow your posting at all. across doesn't support RDP at all. Are you saying about Screen Mirroring & Remote Control for the RDP?

    The Mirroring screen in your screen shot is not related with our across. across works with its own Screen Mirroring. I think you need to read/understand our site & manual carefully/thoroughly. Also, please see the screenshots of across screen mirroring.
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2021
  5. John

    John New Member


    here a more verbose description on the scenario I'm looking for.
    The need is to remote control a 4G/5G phone that will sit in a remote lab environment - this involve turning on/off the radio signal and do some browsing and/or some local voip call (toward a local automatic responder just to set up proper data flow) based on the scenario to be tested.

    The very clever idea behind Across is to extend keyboard/mouse via bluetooth so that no third party software are needed on the phone itself - this is very genius indeed.

    The phone screen mirroring via usb cable (so the phone never discharge) to avoid wifi usage (so no interference on the 4G/5G tests) is not an issue - see the youtube video at the beginning of this thread.

    The only thing is unfortunately missing is the capability for Across to use as keyboard/mouse input the values provided by the RDP client to RDP server (as opposed to local physical keyboard/mouse) then BT forward these to the phone.

    When my RDP client connect to the RDP server (/ across center) I can see the phone screen and with a long press on trackpad the phone icon start jiggling so that means the communication between RDP client to the final phone is somehow getting through.... but some mouse coordinates translation are simply not happening.

    So summarizing what I think Across functionality is missing in order to complete this scenario is to accept mouse/keyboard controlled by RDP and forward via BT toward the phone.


    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Nov 12, 2021
  6. John

    John New Member


    when RDP client connects to a server it grab keyboard/mouse/video/audio/... and forward everything over the connection...

    The applications running on the RDP server would not even notice such events hijack but I suspect that 'Across share' fails on that because of the off-the-screen logic when forwarding BT events to phone...

    Is there any interest of making 'Across share' working along with RDP functionality ? I would love to see this even as part of T1/T2/Tx license.


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