Please follow the below steps to get permission to access the across License Management pages:
- Create your account in across Community. The email address for the account of the community doesn’t have to be the email address that you used during purchase.
- Log in across Community and follow one of the below steps to register the email address that you used during purchase.
- Move the mouse cursor over your username on the top navigation, then your account management menu will appear. Click the [Preferences] in the menu and then the [Browsing Preferences] overlay window will appear. Enter the email address that you used during purchase in the [Email address used for purchase] field and then click the [Save Changes] button.
- Click your username on the top navigation, then the [Personal Details] page will open. Click the [Preferences] on the left navigation and then the [Browsing Preferences] page will open. Enter the email address that you used during purchase in the [Email address used for purchase] field and then click the [Save Changes] button.
- Our system needs some minutes to process your input, so log out and in again 10 minutes later after your email address registration. Once you get the permission, you will see a notice like the below picture when you log in.